Your Healthcare Access to Records

'Making care records accessible'                                                                                                   


If you need translated or easy-read information about how to get a copy of your records or the records of someone else, please click here.

Your Healthcare CIC is the provider of community health and social care services in Kingston upon-Thames and Richmond upon-Thames and holds records for patients accessing community services in these two boroughs only and not anywhere else in the UK. 

People accessing our services have the right to request access to the personal information that we hold about them in our care records by making a Subject Access Request (SAR) via this portal.  If you are acting on someone's behalf, we will require their written consent or other documentation that confirms you are entitled to access their records.

Other people or organisations, such as solicitors, may also make a request via this portal.

If a person is deceased, their personal representative has a right to apply for access to the deceased person's records.  Other people, such as someone who has a claim resulting from the person's death, may also make a request for records.

For more information, visit our website or download our 'Your Information' leaflet.  

How to make a request

If you have not used this portal before, click 'Sign up'  at the bottom of this page.

If you have used this portal before, click 'Login' at the bottom of this page to log in with your email address and password.

Once logged in you can make a new request or view the status of a request.
For help & guidance, please click on the links to the documents below:

Once you have completed the form and attached the supporting documents we will process your request.  Please note this may take up to 30 calendar days (1 month).

Once we have processed your request, you will receive a link to access the copies of the information provided.

We value your feedback - after your request has been processed you will receive a short questionnaire on how we handled your request.

If you or someone supporting you, has any problems using the portal, please contact the Service Effectiveness Team by email at or speak to a member of the Team by calling 020 8339 8092

Access the portal

Please select one of the options below: